As I look down, I see that I am standing on the cobbled stones of my pathway, here, now, today.

As I look forward, I see my path extending before me. There are no signposts; there are some obstacles in the way and I see several forks in the path – some enticing, some not so. And ahead, I see the haziness of an uncertain future.

As I look back, I see the way markers of significant events that have shaped who I am today – some great; some painful; others unclear, sitting only on the edge of my conscious awareness.  I also see the suggestion of other paths, other ways that I could have gone down… if I had chosen to do so.

And now it is time for me to forge ahead, to navigate the choices ahead of me wisely.  It is time to explore into that haze of uncertainty, as I know that I can only find the warm sunshine of my full potential behind it.

But I hesitate…..

About You

You have a desire to change, to achieve the goals and ambitions that you’ve been sitting on for too long. You may know what you want to do – you may not. But you do know that it is time to move.


About Me

I am an experienced, accredited Executive Coach who believes that no one need make this journey alone.


About Te Ara

At Te Ara Coaching, we know how difficult it is to take that first step into an uncertain future, as you make choices that will impact your success at work, your family life, perhaps even your own sense of who you are.

We believe that no one should make this journey alone; we aim to deliver a supportive, safe coaching environment in which you can explore your options using the uncertainty of not knowing what is ahead as a tool and a friend.

We will work together as you identify what is blocking you from moving forward, experiment with different choices before taking your definitive step, and explore the impact of your choices as you implement them in your ‘real world’.

We recognise that it is not possible to isolate the impact of our choices to any one element of our life, that there may be intended or unintended, positive or negative consequences on work performance, career, health and home. So, at Te Are Coaching we aim to integrate your holistic needs into our process – what you bring to our relationship is what defines our work together.

If you think that Te Ara Coaching can offer you support as you move forward in your life and career, please explore our webpages or contact us.


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Contact Me

If you would like to find out more or ask me a question, please contact me.